Message from Principal Ford: September 26, 2017

Message from Principal Ford: September 26, 2017
Posted on 09/26/2017
Dear Peabody Community,

I am beyond relieved to report that our Peabody student was found safe and reunited with her family last night.

I can’t cast a net large enough to thank all of the Peabody community members for their assistance, support, and concern during the tense moments of yesterday’s search and in the hours since.

Without hesitation, numerous members of our community stepped in to help the family and the police. Whether it was a phone call, providing information, walking the streets, or simply offering a hug, your acts of kindness and care were amazing and admirable.

As your principal, a mother, and a fellow community member, last night’s events were devastating for me. While challenging and upsetting, I remain focused on moving forward, embracing all of the members of our community with open hearts and open minds and continually seeking paths of safety, both physically and emotionally.

A team of counselors were at the Peabody and available for any student or staff who needed assistance today. In the future, should a student need the support of a trained adult to process this event, we will invite counselors back to our school to address any needs concerning this matter.

Cambridge School officials have been in close contact with the Cambridge Police Department, who have informed us that it is safe for students to follow their normal dismissal procedures, including walking home per family choice.

Additionally, we would like to correct one fact; preliminary reports said that the child was last seen at school at 2:30PM. The student was at school until dismissal at 2:55PM.

Please know that the safety of your children is my greatest priority. I will continue to work with all of the agencies at my disposal to insure the safe passage of all Peabody students to and from school, as well as, to provide a safe emotional environment for all students.

I am here to listen to your concerns and welcome your thoughts and feedback.


Jennifer Ford
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