Strategies to Increase Self-Regulation and Attention in our Children

Strategies to Increase Self-Regulation and Attention in our Children
Posted on 02/09/2018

By: The Special Education Team

Implement self-regulation five times per day.

  • Breathing techniques- Use earbuds to guide breathing techniques for dual-audio impact. Use in the beginning of the day and in the middle of the day.

  • Checklists with dry erase markers for multi-step routines, writing, and math

  • Make your child an individualized sensory box that contains selected items that help him/her be calm (picture of a beach, piece of fabric, essential oil on a cotton ball, dryer sheet)

  • Give students rice filled tube socks (sew them up) to place on lap or shoulders to promote soothing effects.
    Maintain a consistent, structured daily homework and self-regulation routine.

  • Make all efforts to maintain a regular bedtime, meal planning, and morning routine.
    Screen time is a privilege that needs limits (the technology and the electricity is paid for by you, therefore you own it).

  • Use a sand-timer to regulate time-management during routines and/or when a student needs to take a sensory break during homework/classwork time.

  • Validate feelings of anxiety. Our kids want our attention. What they perceive is real and they need to be heard.

Sensory Intervention Resources

  1. Sensory Smarts Website
  2. Book: Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child By: Lindsey Biel, MA/OTR & Nancy Peaks

  3. A Sensory Integration Approach to Helping Hyperactive Kids

  4. ADHD Improves with Sensory Intervention

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