Update from Nadia Jeudy and Catherine Serrano

Update from Nadia Jeudy and Catherine Serrano
Posted on 05/22/2020
Greetings Peabody Parents and Guardians:

Hoping that you all are well and still pulling through. By now, most of you should have received Dr. Salim’s most recent newsletter, which is also found on the CPS Website. There is a rich amount of information that also can be found on the website such as Learning Resources for Families, Emotional/Mental Supports, and Community Resources (just to name a few). Please visit. It could be helpful to you or someone else. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me as well.

Going forward into the coming weeks, for the K-2 families you should be expecting a packet from your child’s teachers about enrichment/resources that they can use at home. It is not additional work, but rather resources that students can refer to, write on during class meets or use as a support at home. Some materials include Number Charts, writing paper, etc. For parents with students in the fifth grade, you should have received an email from RAUC about student interests going into middle school. If you have not, I’ll share the link here a link to sign up directly. In addition, 5th grade students should’ve received an invitation to attend RAUC’s Virtual Rise Up on Friday, June 5 from 11-12Noon. There, 5th grade students will meet staff and break into small groups.

Students continue to engage, come to meets, and share presentations. These are all great things but also show the level of support from parents. It is no easy task homeschooling but you're still there and working hard to support your children. THANK YOU! Even if it’s hard for your student to engage or get the work done, IT’S OKAY too. The reality is our children are not going to remember that math assignment sheet they did or didn’t know in X grade. They are not going to remember that poetry assignment that wasn’t read aloud. What they WILL remember is “how did my family survive the pandemic of 2020?” This is where the memories really lie, not on that worksheet. Just take a moment and think about it. As we are all stressed, and uncertain about what things will look like for the future, it’s also a moment for us to “check” ourselves. How am I responding? How am I coping? How are we responding to one another as a family? Are we making special memories? Remember, this pandemic is going to be one of the most important events in their childhood memories. Let’s make good memories with them. Happy Memorial Day!

Nadia Jeudy, Interim Principal
Catherine Serrano, SOM
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