Update from Nicole Sullivan: June 5, 2020

Update from Nicole Sullivan: June 5, 2020
Posted on 06/05/2020
Dear Peabody Community:

As we enter our final two weeks of this very unusual year, I have just a couple of things to share with you.

On Thursday, June 4th we had our first Virtual Open House! We are very happy to report that we had a great turn out and it was a very well received meeting. Thank you to the parents that offered words of wisdom on the fly! We appreciate you stepping up to make new families less anxious.

As most of you know, because so many of you were in attendance, last night was the virtual Courageous Conversations gathering. It was a great and meaningful meeting. Thank you to the Courageous Conversations Committee for all their thoughtfulness and careful planning.

On Wednesday, June 10th at 8:30AM is our last School Council Meeting of the year. Of course, it will be virtual. Please find the details for logging on below.

Topic: Peabody School Council
Time: Jun 10, 2020 | 8:30AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 985 6880 2804
Password: 711201
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I’m delighted to announce that food service will continue throughout the summer at all current distribution sites! That means that whoever would like to, may drop by the Peabody or another site between 12Noon and 1PM each weekday to pickup lunch and breakfast.

Speaking of food service at Peabody, we have been LOVING all the visits, donations of books, toys and arts and crafts to support our community! The other sites all refer to Peabody as the Party Site! We have lots of fun each day and everyday gets better. We have seriously been so happy to see folks dropping by just to say hi. We also would like to thank Gather Here for providing beautiful, handmade children’s masks! Lastly, thank you to RAUC for providing snacks and tooth care kits this week. Everyone that comes by is always excited to see what surprises we have that day! Thank you all.

Please continue to stay safe, feel heard, honored and respected as well as staying healthy.

With deep gratitude and respect,

The Peabody Team
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