Update from Nicole Sullivan: June 22, 2020

Update from Nicole Sullivan: June 22, 2020
Posted on 06/22/2020
Dear Peabody Community:

It’s hard to say “so long” in an email. I am so missing our typical last week of school! I miss saying “have a great summer” to everyone – getting enough hugs from our students that hold me over until September. Sharing tears with families who have been with us for many years and are now moving on to middle school or leaving the physical building and going to high school. Celebrating with my colleagues the deeply committed care and pride we have for all of our students. Alas, this year, as we know, is different. The small gestures felt like huge wins. The kind emails, the happenstance of running into a student and their family, the thoughtful reminders, the offerings of assistance from others all took on so much value. Like everyone else, I will never forget this historic time. While we don’t know what September will bring, please know that we continue to be here for your families.

This summer, I will be working on two task forces in the District regarding equity as well as social and emotional learning. I feel as though I have both much to learn and much to offer. I am excited for these opportunities.

I will continue to check email and be available to our community. With all the things we still do not know, I am always here to help. If you find your families in need of food, diapers or assistance of any kind, please continue to reach out to me. I will always do my best to help or make an effort to find you the help you need. Call me at: 617.999.3876 or email me at [email protected]

Don’t forget! Food service will continue across the District all summer. Arrive between 12Noon and 1PM to pick up breakfasts and lunches for your families. During the shutdown, we distributed over 70,000 meals to the families of Cambridge!

Renee Daniluk and I will be facilitating two virtual Tech Goes Home courses this summer. Please look for this information to arrive in your inbox soon. We have a deep commitment to digital equity for all of the families of Cambridge.

Thank you for persevering along with us this year. I am grateful to work with so many caring, thoughtful and generous people. Tell your children how much we will all miss them and we cannot wait to see everyone soon.

In the meantime, I look forward to maybe running into your family this summer! Enjoy your summer! Have fun and I look forward to seeing what September will bring.

With gratitude and respect,

Nicole Sullivan
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