On May 10-11, a dedicated and crazy group of Peabody School Parents, Teachers, and Friends are teaming up to run our third Ragnar Cape Relay. We are running to support The Friends of the Peabody School (FoP), a charitable trust dedicated to enriching the educational environment at the Peabody School in Cambridge, MA.
How does it work? The Ragnar is a long distance, team, overnight running relay that covers about 200 miles from Plymouth to Provincetown from about 5AM on Friday to 11PM on Saturday. Only one runner hits the road at a time. Each participant runs three times, with each leg ranging between 3-13 miles and varying in difficulty. Runners average about 17 total miles, with some of the shorter runner positions totaling 11 miles and some of the longer runner positions totaling 24 miles.
How can I help? If you can run, we can use you. It doesn’t matter if you can run 3 miles or 13. It’s a team event. If you can drive, we can also use you. Our drivers are the backbone of the team and keep the runners motivated. If none of this sounds appealing, you can help by spreading the word and helping us fundraise.
You can find more info about our team here.
Friends of Peabody
For questions about Ragnar, contact - Jennifer McManus (
[email protected])
Any other questions contact - Shalini Gautam (
[email protected])