Peabody School Social Contract

Peabody School Social Contract
Posted on 10/31/2017

Kids creating the social contractGrade 5 has been concentrating on taking responsibility and growing into leadership roles as they move deeper into the school year. They have been embracing their roles as the oldest and most mature grade at The Peabody School. We are striving to live by the Peabody School Social Contract, “To Achieve Success.” We begin every school day by reciting our school Social Contract during the morning announcements:
To achieve success we do our personal best, we respect others and ourselves, we take responsibility for our choices and actions, we cooperate to maintain a safe community, and we celebrate our rich diversity.

Kids creating the social contractThis year, 5th graders developed their classroom rules using the social contract as a guide. They met in groups and discussed what we all needed to do as individuals to make for a successful classroom and positive learning experience.

Not only do our students take responsibility for their choices and actions, they

Some of the new responsibilities we have as 5th graders are:

  • The school store will be opening soon. The students are responsible for opening the store at 8AM each morning. Some of their duties include counting money, taking inventory, and ordering new supplies as well as learning customer service skills as they interact with their customers.

  • They have begun leading the morning announcements, which is a very important role as we begin each day with our Social Contract, “To Achieve Success.”

  • During the first two weeks of school, we used our Peabody School Social contract to guide us in developing our classroom rules.

  • The students have been assigned Kindergarten Buddies where they have been reading and assisting them with various academic activities. The Kindergarten and 5th graders meet on Fridays.

*We use the social contract to help shape and develop our classroom rules and strive to model positive behavior while at recess, lunch, traveling through the hall, and beyond the classroom.

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