Updates from Ms. Jeudy and Mrs. Serrano

Updates from Ms. Jeudy and Mrs. Serrano
Posted on 05/15/2020
Hello Parents and Guardians, 

We’re hoping that as we enter Week 10 of distance learning, families are getting their needs met and finding some sort of “normalcy” or routine. One thing that we are noticing is that the kids are settling into their new routines. It’s so nice to see them engaged and talking with their peers. 

Thank you again for your consistency in having students prepared and ready to learn. On that note, please make sure that students attend during their class times (not before their scheduled time). We are noticing that as teachers’ transition from one meeting to another, students have the ability to get into a meeting without any adult present. We do not want students left unattended and have asked teachers/adults to stay on after the meetings to assure that everyone has left the Google Meet. We appreciate your support with this.

On a district level, administrators are finalizing plans to run a summer program that supports our students with the most significant needs. We have been informed that Lesley University will not be running the Compass Program or the traditional Title One. Administrators are working with the Department of Human Services to determine what programming can be offered to students this summer.  We will update you with summer information as soon as it becomes available.

As a district, we are continuing to monitor both the State and DESE requirements. As Superintendent Salim wrote in the update he shared with families and community members last week, we want to be sure that all of our students have access to the resources they need to continue their positive academic, social, and emotional growth during this challenging time.   Here at Peabody, we are working with our staff about how to best meet standards, how to provide closure to the school year, how to plan for the summer, and how to plan for the future.  As we receive new information, we will share with families. For now, fifth grade parents, please save Friday, June 5 from 11AM-12Noon for Rise Up for students to meet with RAUC staff. More details to follow in the coming weeks. 

This week, we watched a video from our SEL Leader teacher, Alice Cohen about crying. We thought it was important to mention because we’re sure there are different levels of crying happening at home for both adults and kids. Although crying usually has the symbolic message that one is sad, it also represents fear of the unknown, frustration and happiness. Merriam-Webster defines crying as “a call for notice.” Just think about that.  Is it bad to bring notice to our sadness, fears, or even happiness? No, it’s actually quite therapeutic. It’s acknowledging that we are human, that we care, that we feel, we fear the unknown, that we matter. It’s releasing those endorphins in our brains, ridding of toxins to make us feel better. So the next time you want to cry, acknowledge that feeling and allow yourself the power to heal. 

Stay safe and healthy,

Nadia Jeudy, Interim Principal
Catherine Serrano, SOM
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